The Rose Way
The real monks and practitioners from Dhammakaya Temple are going to restore one of the Buddha's ways...It is the dhutanga. They are going to perform the Dhammachai Dhutanga during January 2nd - 25th, 2012.
Overview #1
After the Enlightenment which transformed Siddhattha Gotama into the Lord Buddha beneath the Bodhi tree on the banks of the River Neranjara
The history of Picked-Up Robes Offering Ceremony
The history of Picked-Up Robes Offering Ceremony. Who was the beginner?
How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#6
Education either in the reality or in the Dhamma consists of 4 factors. The parents must know that the wisdom of their children comes from 4 factors
The Blissful Mind
Once those who are chained in prison are free from the confinements, They will be free and happy. Likewise, those who can attain Nirvana and are free from all defilements, Will have a blissful mind just like those
The Practice of Austerities#2
Restraint of the senses is to be calm and take control over your mind and soul using your consciousness. How do you compose yourself? Let us focus on the following
The advantages of making merit with a faithful mind
Dhamma For People. The fruit of making merit with a faithful mind is beyond the expectation, but the merit making is not too difficult to do...if you believe in merit and the fruit of merit.
The Sight of a True Monk#2
Associate with him: find as much opportunities as possible to visit the true monk to learn the knowledge of Dhamma from the true monk
The Four Noble Truths#2
The Path to the Cessation of Sufferings: This is the way to get away from all the sufferings
Dhammachai Kathina for Everything
Dhammachai Kathina for Everything. The supreme merit which you can do only once a year.